ayers rock

Anterior cervical interbody fusion cage

The ayers rock cervical interbody fusion system is an internal spinal fixation system intended to provide stabilization of the spine while biologic fusion occurs.
The ayers rock cages are inserted by impaction in the discal space by anterior route.

The ayers rock cages are used with dedicated instruments which allow preparation of the site, insertion of implants and removal. 

The ayers rock cages are supplied for single use.

Implant material: Polyetheretherketone (PEEK Optima LT1, ASTM F-2026) and Tantalum (ASTM F-560).
Instruments material: silicone, stainless steel, radel, propylux and Ti6Al4V.

The ayers rock cages are indicated for intervertebral body fusion procedures in skeletally mature patients with degenerative disc disease (DDD) at one or two contiguous levels of the cervical spine with/without radicular symptoms from C2 to T1. DDD is defined as discogenic pain with degeneration of the disc confirmed by history and radiographic studies.

The ayers rock cages are to be used with either autogenous bone graft or bone substitute, as well as with supplemental fixation systems for the cervical spine. 

Patients should be skeletally mature and have at least six weeks of non-operative treatment.


• Anatomic shape

• Anti back out features

• Radio-opaque markers

• Modularity

Product range:

• 3 implants volumes: S, M, L

• 2 lengths: 12 and 15 mm

• 6 heights: 5 to 10 mm

• A total of 18 references