The blue mountain system is composed of screws and plates.
These implants are made of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy and are designed for fixation to cervical vertebrae to encourage bone fusion in intervertebral arthrodesis.
They can be used in conjunction with ayers rock impacted cages from Spineway.
The blue mountain system is indicated for arthrodesis on the cervical spine, including:
• Degenerative disease of the intervertebral disks—one or more levels;
• Injury;
• Vertebral deformation such as excessive cervical kyphosis or lordosis, scoliosis;
• Pseudarthrosis following failed surgery on the vertebral column;
• surgery to remove a primary or metastatic tumour on the vertebral column.
NB: these devices are designed for intersomatic fusion via an anterior approach.
• Screws with anti back out
• Polyaxiality of the screws
• Multi level fixation ability
• Specific slot
• Modularity